Can you use shampoo as body wash during bath time? Is there really any harm? Don’t tell me you haven’t asked yourself these questions before… 

You write down all the things you need on your shopping list, but you always forget to add body wash. Happens to me all the time. 

So, What’s the problem if you use shampoo as body wash when you forget to add it to your shopping list? It’s all just soap, isn’t it? 

You’ll find the answers to this question and everything in between right here in this article, so keep reading! 

Can You Use Shampoo as Body Wash?


Yes, you can use shampoo as body wash, however, you probably shouldn’t. When it comes to you and your kids’ bodies, you need to make sure you’re cleaning them effectively. 

Kids shampoo and body wash are usually made with safe and non-toxic ingredients. However, this doesn’t mean that you can use shampoo as body wash for your kids.  

Body wash and shampoo are made differently to clean different areas of your body. If you use shampoo to wash your body, the results just won’t be the same as washing your body with body wash. 

Shampoo is made for hair, and because of this, it may contain a high level of oils or conditioning agents. Using shampoo on your body will simply not remove all the dirt and excess oils. 

Of course, not all the oil on your skin needs to be removed, however, body wash is made with a perfect formula that cleans your skin without drying it out. 

Shampoo Vs Body Wash 

Body Wash has a higher surface-active agent level than shampoo. This means that it cleans smooth surfaces better. Your hair is washed differently from your skin because they aren’t made the same. 

Shampoo also contains conditioning agents and, sometimes, oils. Even if you have dry skin, using shampoo on your body will not moisturize it. It, instead, will leave it feeling very slick. 

And, what’s more, shampoo for dry hair has even more oils included. So keep that in mind if you ever plan to switch out your body wash for your or your kid’s shampoo. 

What Happens if You Use Shampoo as Body Wash?

If you plan on using shampoo as body wash, your skin might come out drier than usual. It relatively depends on the shampoo you use, however, because shampoos are made to clean your hair, the chemicals used are a tad bit harsher than the chemicals used in body wash

Your average body wash is made to clean the excess oils off the surface of your skin. Shampoo may be too harsh on your skin and remove natural oils that don’t need to be cleaned off. Shampoo will leave your skin feeling slick like how your hair feels after you wash it. 

It doesn’t hurt to wash your body with shampoo once in a while when you’ve run out of body wash, however, do not completely replace your body wash with shampoo. By making it a habit to wash your body with shampoo, you’ll find it much more difficult to keep your skin moisturized

Is Shampoo the Same as Body Wash?

Wondering if shampoos are the same as body wash? They are similar in some ways, but just like the differences between your skin and hair, shampoo and body wash are far from the same. 

Before you wash your hair, it usually feels greasy and heavy. Shampoos clean the dirt and oils from your hair using a unique chemical structure. These chemicals contain sulfates and other cleaning agents that give you a smooth and clean feeling once you’re done washing your hair. 

With body wash, the chemicals used are a bit more gentle because it’s being used on your skin. Some people have extra sensitive skin, and this is why body wash is made to be gentle on the skin while cleaning it effectively.  

Another difference is that you won’t get the same lather from using shampoo as you would get from a body wash when washing your body. Shampoos are made to create foam with your hair especially. 

If you were to use shampoo on your body, you’ll notice that there won’t be that much lather as opposed to washing your hair. 

What Can I Use Instead of Body Wash?


Shampoo isn’t the only product that can replace body wash. Yes, it’s the most convenient, but there are other options when you’ve run out of body wash. Some options even being a whole lot better.

A Bar of Soap 

Bars of soap are convenient because of their small size and they can be used to wash your entire body. The best ones to use are organic soaps that contain essential oils. Fragrances are nice, but you’re better off without the synthetic types, especially for your kids. 

Shower Oil 

Shower oils are therapeutic and they benefit your skin greatly. They also smell amazing and can be infused with an array of wonderful scents, including lemon, lavender, and even rosemary. 

To use shower oil, apply it all over your body before getting into the shower. You’ll know it’s working if it becomes thick like milk as soon as you get into the water.

Shower oils are used especially for sensitive skin. They can also be used to treat viral and bacterial infections, and are good for itchy, dry skin

Shower Gels 

The main difference between body wash and shower gels is the texture. Body Wash is more watery, while shower gels are more like gel. For this reason, they lather more and have stronger scents. 

Shower gels are always better for people living in dry climates, as they help rejuvenate the skin. As always, read the ingredients, and, if possible, look for a shower gel without sulfate. 

Body Scrub 

Body scrubs most definitely clean your body better than body wash. Although, it’s not recommended that body scrubs replace your body wash indefinitely. 

Body scrubs are used to exfoliate the skin. They remove dead skin/cells from your body. Scrubs are usually made of tiny coarse rocks with an oil base. They promote the healthy growth of new cells and can eliminate ingrown hairs. 

Shower Foam 


Shower foams are the perfect replacement for body wash when you need to entertain your kids in the bath. With shower foams, you don’t need to lather to produce the foam – it comes straight out of the pump. 

Although, because of its foamy texture, you may need to use a bit more than your average body wash.

Can You Wash Your Entire Body With Shampoo? 

Even though your body is full of hair, it’s still not recommended for shampoo to be used to wash your body. Even parts of your body with excess hair, like your private area, shouldn’t be washed with shampoo at all. 

Your private area is extremely sensitive to chemicals and other forms of soap and fragrances. Even washing down there with body wash can be harmful. Think about this when you bathe your kids. Always be sure to purchase organic, non-toxic soaps to wash them with. 

For women and girls, washing your private area with warm water only is the best way to go. You can easily cause a yeast or bacterial infection if you decide to use harsh soaps down there. 

If you prefer washing up with soap, always choose a mild, fragrance-free soap. You can always look in the hypoallergenic section, or look for soap especially for the private areas.

Can You Wash Your Hands With Shampoo?


There isn’t much of a problem if you decide to wash your hands with shampoo. The only problem you’ll encounter is that you’ll probably need to use more shampoo to clean grease or oil off your hands. 

This is because shampoo has lower levels of surface-active agents. Meaning it’s not meant to clean skin very well. You’ll definitely feel the difference of washing your hands with shampoo, as opposed to washing with actual hand soap. 

The other thing to keep in mind when washing your hands with shampoo is that it doesn’t contain antibacterial ingredients. Your hands touch just about everything. That means you should probably always only wash your hands with antibacterial soaps

But, if you’ve run out of hand soap and all you’ve got is 5 bottles of shampoo stacked along your bathtub, it won’t hurt to use it for your hands this one time. You’ll be fine, hopefully…

Can You Wash Your Face With Shampoo?


Washing your face with anything other than a face wash is never a good idea. Your face is very sensitive and has a balance of pH and oil glands. 

Using anything besides face wash on your face can disrupt this balance. If you were to wash your face with shampoo, you’d likely create more oil, which is terrible for the skin on your face. 

Your face isn’t something to play with, as it’s not always easy to hide. And, if you end up messing up the careful balance of the skin on your face, it’s not easy to get it back to normal again. 

So, if your face is dirty, just rinse with water until you get yourself some soap that’s appropriate for the skin on your face. 

Can You Use Body Wash As Shampoo?


Now that I’ve answered all your questions about using shampoo as body wash, would it be alright to use body wash as shampoo? The answer: probably not! 

Shampoo is a must for your hair. Using anything else will leave your hair feeling dry and unhealthy. The ingredients in shampoo keep your natural essential oils on your scalp so your hair can stay smooth and silky. 

Shampoo can also keep dyed hair looking healthy and shiny. And, when paired with conditioner, shampoo leaves you with luster and shiny hair. It also promotes hair growth and heals damaged hair. 

Body Wash strips your hair of its natural oils, causes dandruff, and completely removes the shine from your hair. If you wash your hair with body wash, you’ll find it hard to brush your hair and even style it. 

Final Thoughts

Running out of body wash for you or your kids is going to happen. Especially if you’re a busy mom like me who has way too many things to remember. 

However, now that you’re informed about using shampoo as body wash, you won’t need to worry or feel guilty about washing your and your kid’s body with it.

Just, be sure to have a bar of soap handy in case you forget, again, to purchase that body wash. 

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