New parents have a lot of baby health questions when it comes to bathing their babies. It can be frightening to think of all the things that could go wrong when handling a wet, slippery, squirmy baby

This nice video was sponsored by and follows the process of giving a little one a bath. It states how important it is to have the tub at waist level so the parent isn’t in an uncomfortable position and will have full access to the baby. This video is a bit more comprehensive in listing the things that a parent needs to do before going to get the baby. 

RELATED: Bath Time May be More Important Than You Think

All the Supplies Are Laid Out

What we find most helpful in this video is that it answers baby health questions better when it comes to what to have on hand and everything is laid out to see in the video, right on the counter. The video is Australian so when they say to put a ‘nappy’ on the baby, it means ‘diaper’ to us Americans. 

NEXT: How To Bathe A Baby: No Unwanted Baby Advice

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