What do you do when you run out of supplies and perhaps the ones you’ve ordered haven’t arrived yet. If you need top baby bath tips for inconvenient situations during the lockdown, or you just need some infant baby bath tips, then we’ve got you covered. Here are tips for parents during the coronavirus on alternatives to most of the essential baby bath products you use. Some of the items on the list are simple improvisations while others require a little bit of construction to get them ready for use. However, we believe you will find no difficulty putting them together for your little one’s care.

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You may have already improvised in this aspect, but here is one of the tips for parents during the coronavirus for a bathtub alternative. This is one of the infant baby bath tips you should consider. Depending on the age of your child, you may use any sizable plastic pail for kids below the age of 5, while you can simply have older kids stand while you bathe them. If the kid is old enough to bathe themselves then there is no need for the pail. You also shouldn’t let kids take a bath all by themselves in the adult bathtub. You can teach them how to use a bucket of water to take a bath. Avoid using steel buckets.

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Soft Sponge

Here is one of the tips for parents during the coronavirus for a situation where you don’t have a soft sponge for a baby bath. Instead of using only soap and your palms to clean the baby, use a soft washcloth if it’s available. Sometimes there is no washcloth available so you have to find a very soft towel and cut off a sizable portion of it. Wash the material thoroughly, rinse, and wring it after bathing your baby. Do not use your old clothing as the cleaning material. Rather, use one of the baby’s soft materials. White materials are preferred so you can know how dirty it has gotten and whether you’ve washed it well.

Baby Kneeler Tips For Parents During The Coronavirus

These tips for parents during the coronavirus are for you if you’re the type to bath your baby in the adult bathtub and often find it quite uncomfortable standing while doing it. Also, it’s not every time you want to take a bath with your baby in the bathtub. What you need is a baby bath kneeler. If you don’t have it available, get any mat from the house, a doormat would be great for this. Put the doormat on the bathroom floor then fold a thick towel and place it on the doormat. The bottom of the mat would prevent water from staining the towel and your knees would be cushioned properly. 

Bath Thermometer

This isn’t one of the infant baby bath tips you want to rely on strongly. If you can get your hands on a baby thermometer, then you should do so, but if you can’t, then you may opt for this for the meantime. Instead of using your palms to check the water temperature, use your elbow. The water should be neither hot nor cold. Lukewarm water is best for baby baths. If you feel the slightest heat on your elbow then the water is too hot. If you are using running taps then turn off the hot water faucet first and then slowly add cold water until the temperature is right.

Baby Bath Spout Cover

So you want to bathe your baby, but not without the usual precautions. This is one of the top baby bath tips for baby safety during baths. These tips for parents during the coronavirus can be used if you are unable to get a baby bath spout cover to protect your baby from accidental bumps. You can get a big plastic cup and cover the spout from the top. Preferably one without a handle. If you can’t find one without a handle then you may need to cut off the handle and smooth the area very well. Another alternative is to stop giving your baby baths in the adult tub (if you have a baby bathtub).

RELATED: Using A Baby Bath Sink Insert

Hooded Towel

Hooded towels are no doubt a parent’s favorite when it comes to baby bath items. If for some reason you lose your hooded towel you could always make your own. They aren’t that hard to make. Here are tips for parents during the coronavirus on making a hooded towel for your baby. You’ll need a hand towel and a regular-sized towel. You need a heavy-duty needle for this project, but if you happen to sew (unlikely for a lot of people) you could also just use your sewing machine. Just sew the hand towel onto one end of the larger towel to create a hood.

Baby Bath Sink Insert

The Puj Tub for babies is an excellent way of giving your baby a nice clean shine. However, as resources are becoming increasingly hard to get, you may need to find an alternative that works just as well. A baby bath sink insert is quite different from a bathtub. What you can do is use your bed for the routine. It may not be the most convenient option for a baby bath, but considering a top and tail routine doesn’t require pouring water all over your baby, a bed is just fine. You must put a thick towel on it first, however. If you have a big round plastic bowl, you could also use that as a great option baby bath sink insert.


Washcloths are pretty hard to substitute for. However, a soft sponge can suffice if needed. Another alternative, if you are desperate for wash clothes, is to cut up a large towel. You may have an old one that has seen better days, but it will serve just fine as a washcloth for your little one. If, however, you need a washcloth for cleaning the private parts you may consider using clothing material instead of a towel. Don’t use thick material to clean the private parts. Also, if you have any new baby clothing you have not used yet you should consider turning that to a washcloth instead of your clothes.

Shampoo Rinser

Shampoo rinsers are often sophisticated for rinsing a kid’s hair and keeping the soap and water out of their eyes. However, with the tips for parents during the coronavirus, you will soon find an alternative way of getting the same result. You can use any plastic cup for this. But if you are going to use a cup then it should be used for that purpose alone. Don’t take it back to wherever it is you took it from (most likely the kitchen). Unlike when using a shampoo rinser, when you use a cup to rinse shampoo you should supplement with one of your hands. Gently push back the hair while you pour water on it.


Not all baby items need an alternative. Some of the baby items listed aren’t a necessity, however, they are for providing extra comfort. For these items, if you find it difficult (like the hooded towel) to get an alternative, you can forgo them. But if you can get the alternative, please do. The more you can make available the better. The less your kid feels the impact of the lockdown, the better. Also, learn to help kids manage COVID-19 anxiety. Using these tips for parents during the coronavirus you should be able to alleviate some of the things your kids might have to suffer due to COVID-19. 

NEXT: 10 Essential Baby Items

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