Cleaning the bathroom is an essential part of household hygiene that cannot be overlooked. However, some of the products we use for cleaning are dangerous to our health. These products are especially a potential danger to children who may end up ingesting chemicals from products used for cleaning, bathing, or personal hygiene in the bathroom. It is, therefore, crucial to keep these dangerous products out of the reach of kids of all ages. Some of these dangerous products are mildly toxic while others have a very high level of toxicity – making them lethal. Here are the 10 dangerous products commonly found in bathrooms.

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Bleach And Ammonia

Bleach and ammonia are dangerous products commonly used for cleaning in the house. Bleach is mostly used to remove tough stains and is common because it also gives surfaces a shine most people find appealing and is a powerful disinfectant. It is found in bathrooms and kitchens and is used for cleaning. A lot of toilet cleaning agents contain ammonia in the list of ingredients. Bleach and ammonia create a deadly gas when mixed. You must avoid storing these two products together no matter what. You also want to keep these dangerous products far away from where kids can access them because they also cause serious skin and eye irritations on their own. 

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Heavy-Duty Drain Cleaner

heavy-duty drain cleaner is one of the dangerous products commonly used to remove stubborn stains from sinks and other bathroom surfaces. Most homes have this product stored in their bathroom closets, and that is exactly where it should remain – high up and away from the little ones. This product is not only heavy-duty for cleaning but can be heavily toxic as some contain hydrochloric acid as the active ingredient. For those that do not use this chemical, we find they usually contain sodium hydrochloride (bleach) which is another dangerous chemical. Both these chemicals used in heavy-duty drain cleaners can burn the skin on contact.

Air Fresheners

Air fresheners may seem like the least likely to be dangerous products, but don’t be mistaken, they have their fair share of toxicity. Some air fresheners contain phenol or formaldehyde as active ingredients. A heavy dose of phenol can cause convulsions, and may even lead to death. Formaldehyde is carcinogenic. For these, it is best to simply avoid using products that contain these chemicals altogether. Preferably switch to something all-natural and safe. That way you don’t have to worry about the amount being released. Because even when kept out of the reach of children, these chemicals are being released from your plugged-in air fresheners. 

Electric Hair Dryer

Electric hair dryers are dangerous products commonly found in the bathrooms of many homes. Although they provide quite the satisfaction of a quick-dry and excellent current of air that cools you down, they can be extremely hazardous. Getting shocked by an electric hair dryer falling into the bathtub is an instant recipe for disaster. If it doesn’t kill, then serious injuries will be sustained. This appliance must be kept away from wet surfaces and must never be plugged in when not in use. An accident with this appliance and your kid could be fatal. Older kids, especially, tend to want to explore different appliances and if this isn’t kept out of their reach they may want to play with it.

Bathroom Wipes

This product that was remarketed from baby wipes into being used as a toilet paper substitute by adults comes with its health complications. Some of these wipes contain bronopol, an antimicrobial agent and preservative that serves as a substitute for alcohol. Bronopol can release low levels of formaldehyde as it breaks down. Formaldehyde can cause eye irritation and has also been classified as a human carcinogenic. Phthalates are also contained in some wipes. They are a common household chemical added for fragrance. Phthalates are used to soften plastic and are harmful; they can damage the lungs, liver, and kidneys. A lot of other fragranced products also contain phthalates.

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While shampoos may not be one of the very dangerous products, it is important to store them properly because it is very likely that you’ll find at least a bottle of shampoo in most bathrooms. When swallowed in small quantities it can cause mild nausea and diarrhea. It can also cause vomiting, and if it is a dual shampoo (with conditioner) the effects might be worse. However minimally toxic this product may be, it is a potential health hazard and you don’t want to find out just how toxic it can be. That is why you need to make sure it is safely out of the child’s reach.

Drain Openers

Sodium Hydroxide can be found in drain openers. Sodium Hydroxide is extremely corrosive and can cause serious burns to the eyes and skin. This chemical is one of the most dangerous products that simply inhaling it can cause a sore throat lasting for days. You do not want your kid anywhere near this chemical that is commonly found in oven cleaners, drain openers and other household products. The best place to keep this kind of high-level danger product is far up and out of reach. An alternative is to use a mechanical snake tool for unclogging drains. Another way is to use a cup of baking soda and vinegar.

Multi-Purpose Cleaners

Many multipurpose cleaners are dangerous products. Some of these products contain 2-butoxyethanol. This belongs to the category of “glycol ethers” and is what gives them their sweet smell. Glycol ethers are a set of powerful solvents that can be quite toxic when ingested. High levels of glycol ethers can contribute to pulmonary edema and severe liver and kidney damage. The bottom line is that you do not want this down your kid’s throat or even anywhere near them. This product is not only dangerous to kids but is also toxic when used for cleaning in confined areas such as an unventilated bathroom.

Polishing Agents

Many polishing agents found in the bathroom used for sinks and other bathroom surfaces can pose serious health risks when left within the reach of young ones. These polishing agents sometimes contain ammonia which is a powerful irritant that takes its detrimental effect immediately. This is one of the especially dangerous products for asthmatic people. Ammonia also produces a very poisonous gas when mixed with bleach. The problem is that ammonia is a common ingredient in commercial window cleaners and is found in nearly all the options you may choose to go with, making it nearly impossible to avoid. That is why you must ensure to check the products you use for this purpose and ensure you keep it out of the reach of young ones.

Scouring Powder

This product is commonly found in the bathroom and is used for cleaning the toilet bowl and other surfaces. It is meant to remove tough stains from surfaces. It is one of the potentially dangerous products that could cause severe harm when left within the reach of kids. Scouring powder contains chlorine which is quite dangerous when it gets on the skin. The health risks from chlorine can be chronic; it is a respiratory irritant of a high level and can cause serious health issues when consumed by your young ones. You could choose to stick with baking soda for cleaning, however, if you must use scouring powder make sure it is put safely out of the reach of children.

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