There are certain times when you should consider giving your child a bath. This ranges and is different for children of different ages. However, apart from the normal fixed bathing time (if you have a fixed time for bathing), there are certain times when you should give your kid a bath. It doesn’t matter if you’re not following the normal 2-3 times a week routine. You should remember that children’s bodies are different from those of adults and as such have different hygienic needs. So, depending on the age of your little angel, here are times when a bath is necessary and when it isn’t.

Don’t Bath Kids Everyday

You do not need to bath your kid every day. You also shouldn’t bath your kid every night in an attempt to get them to sleep. Too frequent bathing could cause rough skin and breaking of the skin. In that regard, bathing your child 2-3 times a week is okay. Some parents like to follow a fixed routine for bathing and tend to be a bit strict about it. You shouldn’t bath your kid every day for the sake of bathing. Children’s bodies are different from those of adults and do not require the same maintenance when it comes to hygiene.

Related : Baby Care Week By Week Changes: 10 Tips on the Best Time to Give a Baby a Bath

After They Play Outside

If your child plays outside and gets dirty then you should consider bathing them. Some kids don’t get to play outside and get that dirty. You should let your kids play outside now and then. But, in the case where your child is mostly indoors, you should consider taking it slow with the frequent bathing. Also, your child is likely to touch some unhygienic things while playing outdoors. Bathing them would reduce the chances that they would fall ill. But depending on whether they play on the lawn, or if your outdoors is dusty and dirty you could consider whether a bath is really necessary or if a shower would do.

When They Ask

If your child asks you to bath them, then you should consider bathing them. First, they may not want to tell you the exact reason why they asked for a bath. Try and find out, but don’t make it look like such a big deal. Also, you would want to encourage the habit of bathing and cleanliness, so declining might not really help. If your child senses you are neglecting their hygiene, they might begin to feel reluctant next time. So, even if you’ve bathed every day for the past 5 days, if they ask for a bath, you should bath them

After A Sleepover

If your child goes over to a friend’s for a sleepover, then you should consider giving them a bath when they get home the next day. You could ask them what games they played, but there’s a chance you might not find out all you need to know. You shouldn’t rely on whether they bathed at that friend’s house or not. In the course of cleaning them up, you just might discover some hidden grime underneath their hair that might otherwise have remained there. You may find bits of popcorn for all you know. So, bath them and observe their hair properly. After all, it’s not every day they go for a sleepover.

Consider Topping And Tailing

For infants, you could consider whether topping and tailing would do. If you gave them a bath just yesterday, then consider whether you should just top-n-tail today instead of giving them another full bath. Infants do not require bathing as often as you do. Some parents make it a habit to bath their infant every morning, or in most cases every night. They do this because they want the child to fall asleep more easily, and while it is true that a bath might make the child more likely to fall asleep it shouldn’t be a habit.

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Are They In School?

If your kids have started attending school, then you should consider increasing the frequency of their baths. If you usually bath them 2-3 times a week, then you might consider increasing that to 3-5 times a week. Kids might tend to get dirtier when they start attending school. Also, that’s when peer pressure starts to set in. Alternatively, you could ensure they shower every day and keep the bathing routine the same. Just make sure they get a thorough cleaning at least twice a week. You should also make them wash their hands each time they come back home from school and especially each time they use the toilet.

Special Cases

While some kids have no problem with taking a bath, some kids are afraid of bathing. It could be from a fear of water or some other thing. In these cases you should try not to make them do it too often. Some parents have this notion that bathing the kid often will make them get over their fear of water or of bathing. You should be compassionate and considerate of your kid. You may not understand the psychological reasons for their fears. So in the case where your kid bathed two days ago and is refusing a bath, you may consider making a deal with them to clean up today and take a bath tomorrow. Just ensure they bath the next day.

Consider A Shower

A shower mustn’t be a thorough bath. It is more of a quick way to get some dirt off. You mustn’t lather when you shower. You may decide to just get in, wash your face, hands, and feet, without doing a thorough washing of the body. Also, a shower is a great filler for the in-between days, especially for 5-10-year-olds. Kids of all ages can also go in the shower. If you’re teaching your kid to bath themselves, you should consider a shower today if they bathed yesterday. You shouldn’t be too intense with the whole thing.  As they grow older and their bodies begin to develop (when they start getting all sweaty and puberty kicks in) you should encourage them to bath more often.

When Your Child Has Fever

You need to pay extra attention to your child when they come down with a fever. It is not recommended for you bath a child that has a fever. A bath may seem like a good idea as it means getting clean. Also, a bath seems natural for a sick person because you’re trying to make sure there’s as little germs as possible, only that fever isn’t an illness. Some people also recommend bathing with lukewarm water as a remedy for fever. You can find other ways to clean the child. Topping and tailing is one option, but if the child is too old for that, just wash their hands and feet and clean their face.

Other Cases

There are other times when a bath is necessary. These cases don’t occur so often and may tend to go unattended to. For instance, if you have an infant or a toddler, and they play with a visiting family member whom you suspect is ill you should immediately bath them. Though the sick person has no intention of infecting your child, you should take extra precautions. You could consider keeping your child away, but that could be considered rude and sometimes you may only find out later. So to minimize the chances of an infection bath them thoroughly and change their clothes.

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