There are many ways to make your child enjoy being in the bathroom. Kids’ bathroom theme designs are one of the best ways. A bathroom theme is a way of decorating the entire setting of the bathroom, not just the bathtub, but, with the surrounding items. It includes adding items that make it closely resemble the theme you want to mimic. The kids would be disappointed if you haven’t already thought of doing a bathroom decoration (if they find out what it is). There are numerous themes you could choose from so you might want to consider one that is related to something your kid loves. Here are the 10 most popular ideas you could choose from.

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Tropical Kids’ Bathroom Theme

The tropical kids’ bathroom theme is easy to recognize. However, for you to recreate the feeling of monkeys, banana trees and other things associated with this theme might require quite some effort and creativity. Luckily, we have the best tips for you as you embark on this design. You can purchase some water-friendly monkey toys to hang in different styles from the bathroom ceiling. Another idea to add to the spice is a small banana tree from which one or two monkeys can hang. For the rest of the bathroom, you can paint the walls accordingly. While using green is a no-brainer you should opt for darker shades of it.

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Starry Night

The starry night is a dreamy kids’ bathroom theme. If your kid is in love with the sight of the stars you can recreate the experience for them in the bathroom. When going for this design, the ceiling is a central factor. The entire ceiling has to be painted black or dark blue – depending on whether you want a telescope view or riverbank night view respectively. You already know the motif, lots of stars. Leave the sun out of your design. The moon should be located somewhere especially. The colors to be used are blue, white and a bit of yellow – all though while only varying the shades. However, you may choose to use other colors depending on your preferences.

Deep Blue Sea

This kids’ bathroom theme is interesting for adults as well as kids. When going for this design you could choose to focus on the deepest parts of the ocean or incorporate the surface as well. We recommend incorporating the surface because this gives the feeling of being deep in the sea. Paint the walls blue with the darkest shades from the bottom and move lighter as you go up until the top of the wall is a beach. In this design, the floor is a focal point. All sorts of sea creatures can then be designed at the bottom. Go for exciting creatures. Some jellyfish and a shark should be somewhere in there. You can then add the toys and extras.

Pond Princess

The pond princess kids’ bathroom theme is likely to be loved by your little girl. You need designs of different kinds of shrubs and little pond trees. The walls can be designed to be the pond background with greenery and water animals while the bathtub becomes the pond. In this design, the bathtub is a focal point. you can add some floating leaf designs to the bathwater. Rubber frogs will make this design come alive. The theme should be dominated by designs of vines and marshy areas. Although you can incorporate a lot of colors, use darker shades of green a lot. You may choose to colorize the water with some water coloring agents to give it the final pond touch.

Robotic Boy

Some parents discover their kids’ love for robots and machinery designs. Perhaps his favorite cartoon involves a lot of robots. When going for this kids’ bathroom theme you will need a few extra motifs – ones you can touch. One such motif should be a big rubber screw. On the walls should be the designs of some robotic friends. Perhaps to make the background more fitting you can incorporate a workshop or a robot factory. You may want to steer clear of bright colors on your design (red and yellow should be avoided). Go for something more mechanical – grey, black, dark blue and ash give quite the robotic touch.

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Beach Theme

This is a calming kids’ bathroom theme for your fun beach-loving kid. This design is quite easy and bathroom friendly so you don’t need to do a lot of extras. A simple beach background painting on the wall would instantly give the required effect. Don’t forget to add palm trees to your design. If you want to go for some extras (physical items) then a beach ball (should be hung from the wall out of the kids reach) and a medium-sized toy palm tree would be awesome. Some more ideas for your beach scene include washed up shells and surfers. However, you want to keep human subjects to a bare minimum – one is best.

Intergalactic Adventurer

This is the perfect bathroom theme for your young space explorers. A spaceship (UFO) in the distant void should not be left out. You may choose to design the bathtub as a space station from where your adventurers observe the rest of space. Try not to focus on the stars, rather incorporate more of the sun, moon and other planets in a more visually mesmerizing way. A fun design you can add is the light of a UFO shining directly over the bathtub. You can easily purchase a blue or red light bulb and hang it directly above the bathtub. However, the light should be directed. Another alternative is to make the bathtub the UFO.

Pirates Ahoy


This design is quite the yarrr! If you are going for a pirate adventure kids’ bathroom theme, then you should focus on the bathtub as a pirate ship. The walls can be painted with different sword-wielding pirate characters, and don’t forget to put in a talking parrot. The parrot should hang from the wall on what should be the extension of a pirate captain’s shoulder. Avoid going with a nighttime scene. Rather you should go with a clear sky view, a sunset view or high sea storms. When doing this design you must incorporate the pirate ship, this is very important as it gives the whole theme the pirate touch.

The Gamer Kids’ Bathroom Theme

If your kid loves video games then you can use that to lure them to the bathroom. Pick one of his favorite video games and work it as a kids’ bathroom theme. The design would have to be based on the game you’re mimicking, but the central character of the game must be visible along with the antagonist (if there is any). Making designs for different games can be quite different. For example, you may choose to go with a simple wall painting and a few toy building blocks for a Mario game design, but for a race car game design, you may consider turning the bathtub into a mini race car with some decorations and stylish additions.

Garden Kids’ Bathroom Theme

The garden kids’ bathroom theme should not be confused with the pond setting. In this design, you will need to incorporate a lot of flowers or growing crops, but more importantly, the design needs to show that these plants are cared for. This means you can show the plants in flower pots, or in a row. Bright colors are best for this design – yellow, red, white, orange, light blue, etc. You should also add a few physical motifs to the design, such as toy flowers or vegetables. For this design to pop out it needs to be overwhelming. That means this kids’ bathroom theme should encompass the entire bathroom and not just one corner of it.

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